
The Future of Big Data & UX - Using Data to Design Better User Experiences

When it comes to design, marketers are already using data to move the needle when designing relevant user experiences. Henry's Digital Marketing Blog has a post covering tools like Crazy Egg that companies are using to gather data on the way their websites are being used. As big data gets even bigger we will begin to see creative companies utilizing this data to create models and tools that will lead to improved user experience design. Experience Dynamics created an infographic of 30 User Experience Statistics that should not be ignored. While the infographic is starting to age, it still offers amazing insight into online user experience and explains some important aspects of how user experience can impact a company’s bottom line. Based on this infographic, here are some user trends to look out for.

According to the infographic, 79% of users will abandon a site and search for another to complete the task if they do not like the experience. Mobile users are five times more likely to abandon a site if it isn’t optimized. While this information may seem obvious, it is extremely telling of just how willing users are to find the site with the best experience. Users will move onto another website if a site isn’t easy to use. As technology advances and brands use their data to improve products, user experience will become one of the defining differentiating factors for brands online. Understanding what makes a good user experience (right now it’s a solid mobile website) is crucial for brands, and will continue to be crucial as companies progress forward.

Online Conversions
It is no secret that the mobile experience directly contributes to online sales. 81% of shoppers research products and services online before they buy. 60% of consumers exclusively use mobile to make purchase decisions. If this isn’t enough information to convince brands to think mobile first, two out of three mobile users researching a product are looking to make a purchase the same day. In a world where the majority of the population checks their smartphone before even stepping out of bed in the morning, optimizing user experience for mobile is one of the most important things a brand can do. Keeping on top of mobile trends for user experience will help companies convert customers online, and continue to differentiate them in their category space.

Local Search
Mobile usage isn’t just important for online conversions. According to the infographic, 94% of smartphone users search for local information on their mobile phones. Searching is one thing, but 80% of local searches on mobile phones convert - small local businesses need to take note. User experience isn’t just to optimize the ecommerce experience anymore. The argument that local businesses do not need to optimize online is completely inaccurate. The opposite is actually true. Small local businesses benefit from being able to use long-tail search terms and search terms to improve their local SEO. Local businesses can make it easier for users to find them by optimizing their online content. They differentiate themselves from lager competitors by enhancing the experience for local users.

As companies continue to utilize big data to make changes to their online content, user experience will continue to be a differentiating factor for brands. Ensuring that sites have optimal experience will make them more efficient, and lead to more online conversions. Optimal user experiences are making local brands even more relevant and can help level the playing field for small businesses.    

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